
Force Gym is proud to serve actively competing and future powerlifting athletes of all ages. From novice to world-class competitors, our athletes are provided with state of the art equipment and coaching to excel in their competitions. Our powerlifting equipment includes 2 adjustable benches, 4 deadlift platforms, a State Of The Arc monolift, competition bars, specialty bars, accessory machines, stadium quality turf, and various strongman equipment.  

In our 1-on-1 Powerlifting coaching, each prospective athlete will have the opportunity to participate in a coaching consultation to address their lifestyle and performance goals, current workout regime, and nutrition protocol.  After the initial consultation, the athlete and their coach will implement a plan with a specific meet day in mind. From there, athletes are coached through a powerlifting program that is attributed directly to their performance goals and expertise. At Force, we follow a 3 Phase Powerlifting Program. Each phase of our training program is designated to hit specific training goals. Additionally, different athletes will spend different amounts of time in each phase, depending on their experience, strengths and weaknesses, and time. Each phase is detailed below:

  • Phase 1 emphasizes technique, general strength, form correction, and stability.

  • Phase 2 builds muscular hypertrophy and focuses on volume loading

  • Phase 3 then progresses the athlete to reach their peak performance prior to competition                                                                                              

In addition to our 3 Phase Powerlifting Program, our powerlifting coaches are versed in a number of different powerlifting training programs to adapt relevant, evidence-based training protocols. Other types of training programs include the Texas Method, Cal Dietz Triphasic training, Wendler 5/3/1 programming, Westside Barbell Conjugate Periodization, Madcow 5x5, among various others.

So whether you are a beginner looking to learn, or you are an experienced lifter wanting to compete in the sport of powerlifting, Force Gym offers our Powerlifting athletes two avenues to success: (1) 1-on-1 Powerlifting Prep Coaching and (2) Intro to Powerlifting Classes. For those who are actively competing, or who wish to compete in the future, we recommend 1-on-1 coaching. For those who are new to the sport and wish to learn more, the Intro to Powerlifting classes are for you!

1-on-1 Powerlifting Prep Coaching

1-on-1 prep coaching is for athletes looking to compete in Powerlifting, or looking to add strength in the three main lifts: squat, bench, and deadlift. Training for a Powerlifting meet requires specific and progressive programming. Working with a coach guarantees a well-rounded plan that enables you to perform at your very best.

New to Powerlifting, but interested in learning more? Intro to Powerlifting classes are the perfect fit. In these classes, attendees are taught the techniques of the three major lifts - squat, bench, and deadlift - and are led through a typical powerlifting workout focusing on one of the three specific lifts. The best part is, you will also be learning with other members just like you!

Intro to Powerlifting Classes